Cheapest Magic Ugins Fate Magic Cards
Magic Ugins Fate card list & price guide. Ungraded & graded values for all MTG Ugins Fate
Magic Cards.
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Prices are updated based upon Magic Ugins Fate listings that sold on eBay and other marketplaces.
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PriceCharting Index: Magic Ugins Fate
Average ungraded base card value (excludes variants) for Magic Ugins Fate | Compare vs.
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Card | Ungraded ▲ | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Booster Box |
Ainok Tracker | $0.25 |
Fierce Invocation | $0.25 |
Formless Nurturing | $0.25 |
Hewed Stone Retainers | $0.25 |
Write into Being | $0.25 |
Smite the Monstrous | $0.25 |
Arashin War Beast | $0.50 |
Wildcall | $0.50 |
Jeskai Infiltrator | $0.50 |
Sultai Emissary | $0.50 |
Soul Summons | $0.99 |
Ugin's Construct | $0.99 |
Dragonscale Boon | $0.99 |
Watcher of the Roost | $0.99 |
Mastery of the Unseen | $0.99 |
Jeering Instigator | $1.00 |
Debilitating Injury | $1.19 |
Arc Lightning | $1.67 |
Briber's Purse | $1.75 |
Ruthless Ripper | $2.22 |
Reality Shift | $2.88 |
Mystic of the Hidden Way | $3.12 |
Ghostfire Blade | $3.66 |
Grim Haruspex | $6.26 |
Booster Pack | $14.99 |
Altar of the Brood | $21.28 |
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon | $41.34 |